Thursday, September 4, 2008


this morning my sweet neighbor is sick, and asked my to bring out her recycle garbage. no biggie, so i do. ( good thing she called so i could take mine out too! ) so while i am outside before 7 am {shock, gasp, dont let my hubby read this, he might get ideas, lol!} i hear DUCKS QUACKING. rememeber i live in the desert SW, on a normal residential street, i dont think anybody on this part of the street even has a POOL! ( weird i know) and i HEAR DUCKS!?!?! WhATs UP WItH tHaT!?!?! so when its time to leave with the kids, i drive super slow so i can be Nosy Nelly and lOOk. guess what, there ARE ducks in the FRONT YARD - 3 house down and they have strings around their necks.... so either they have dinner plans or new pets. i was sooo relieved it wasnt my hearing going bad. ;)


Autumn said...


That's good to know you aren't hearing things...but I totally curious about why in the world there would be ducks- tied to strings?- in a residential neighborhood. That is totally weird.

L. Taggart said...

Hi. Is the owner anyone we know? My aunt had ducks when we were younger. They lived near farms though. :)

Big Toe Mom said...

i think the ducks ended up as dinner.... haven't seen them or HEARD them since. :(
better them than me.